Friday, November 5, 2010

The Party

Zim: We need a plan to STOP Dib.
Gir: How 'bout we have a party! AND THE PIGGYS!!
Zim: No GIR. What about a party? We can blow it up!
Gir: I like the CRAZY TACO!
Zim: I know, Gir.
Zim sets up a whole party with explosives hidden.
Dib: I know this is one of your TRICKS, Zim! I only came to get EVIDENCE that you are a alien!
Zim: Yah. Sure. Whatever.
Zim: AND NOW..... THE BOOM!!!
Dib: The "boom"?
Zim presses a button, but it has no effect.
Dib: Ha! Your plan didn't work! Is that pizza?
Dib sits down and starts eating.
Zim: GIR??? Where is the BOOM?
Gir: The Boom? I ATE IT!
Zim: This whole plan was a failure from the start. Take care of the rest, Gir.

Thanks to Google and and